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Silence and Violence

Silence and Violence was first performed at the White Bear Theatre, London on 22 April 2002.

HOLLOWAY, an aristocrat... Sheena Irving
GIESBACH, an artist... Mark Huckett
WINDERMERE, a patriot... Costa Milton


Director... Nick Claxton
Designer... Helen Shore
Lighting... Jae Forrester
Costume... Mayou Trikerioti

Betts’ prose is dangerously raw and insightful... An uncommonly talented playwright.

Torben Betts, a young and fiercely prolific playwright, seems to be developing a new generation Theatre of the Absurd. His last White Bear play The Biggleswades was a vitriol-soaked Bald Prima Donna, while this new one does for dictators and power-driven egoists the kind of thing done half a century ago by Swiss dramatists Durrenmatt and Frisch in their unnerving dramas of calmly-portrayed political terror.

Sheena Irving gives the stand-out performance as the self-obsessed aristocrat, Holloway. Hers is a measured, absorbing portrayal of a woman who thinly hides her own loneliness and desire to be loved behind a bullying, domineering exterior. The depiction of her rape by her husband late on in the play is heartbreaking. An excellently cast, performed and directed piece of theatre.

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